December 31, 2009


over and over again...

its 6.00am, i woke up from sleep...aiya..thats too early, actually i wan to wake up late, because i slept late last night, not night actually its already morning...its about 4.30am...but, my dad ask me to wake up..luckily he doesn't angry with me...thank God...

its 7.00am, my dad and I having simple meal at Man Canai near the bus terminal...actually, the main reasons was to go for table test...haha...juz having a "Roti Canai" n "Teh Tarik"...actually the driving institute open at dad took me too early...(actually he wants to attend a meeting)...haha...then he left me there alone and provide me with some "Fullus" about RM25 only...thanks to him...

its about 8.45am already, then i saw a woman with white tshirt and black skirt walking to the driving's institute gate...i know she must be the one who responsible for my table test, i just took my way followed her to the room where i am going to sit for the test...she said to me, if u are ready to test, just enter the room...actually, i still nervous because i am the only one there, because other people haven't come yet...

about 9.00am...i saw 2 girls enter the r0om and have a sit...then, the driving's agent said again, anybody who is ready for the test can enter the room and left an IC to her...i saw those 2 girls stand up and go to the counter...i wan to go, but i still really nervous...a moment later, 2 men enter the room and there is only 1 PC left to sit for the test...

Then...i stand up and go to the counter, left my IC there and enter the r0om...when i sat on the chair, i felt really2 nervous...then i just try to calm myself and answer the question with my confidence...haha...most of the questions came out, i just it read before entering the the end of the test, i really nervous to click my result...b4 i click it, i say "Bismillah" many times...and happy to see the result, when it sh0ws 47out of 50...

after 15min. and 5sec. i go out from the r0om and the agent suprised with me..she said, u are the last one to c0me in but u are the first one to c0me out and ask h0w's the test...i just give her smile...haha...i thumb out and called my "Usu" to fetch me...with the happy m0od, i send a message to my dad regarding my score on the table test....then, my dad replied me with congratulations, "tahniah".....thats all!! have s0me fun on the last day of 2009...

31 December 2009=Passed in Table Test.....

bak kata Zaini, keep on updating...
pen off!!!

December 29, 2009


org fogging memburu nyamuk di kawasan perumahan Sri Jaya Park...around pkl 6.00 ptg...

my house being fog...can see my dad there

the men who did the fog...look interestings^^

thats me...hahax^^

not really nice shot, juz taken using Nokia X3-00 with 3.2 mega pixels...

December 24, 2009

table test!!!

9.00am in the morning arrived at the place to sit for table azrul there my friend from smsk...not many people inside..not too crowded coz caman is juz a small city...only about 20 people there and i sit beside azrul there...hahax...i juz need 2 wait the driving agent to call my name...

its about 11.00am already, i havent heard my name being call...aiya...then i go to the driving agent and ask to her bout this problem...i'm very suprised, when she said i havent book for the table test...then i sh0w my receipt to her which state that i've booked for table test on that day...but, she still said, thats not her problem, and she try to help me to book for me...then she ask me to sit and wait...

about an hour waiting for it...i've felt very bored coz i'm alone there...i go to the driving agent once again, and ask again regarding the problem...and she said, still cannot...i felt very upset, and made decision to go back besides i'm going to kuchng tat afternoon...the agent also said to me to come on 31/12 for table test, but need 2 pay once again...#$%^ tat made me angry coz tat not my mistake...then i ask them to pay for me, and luckily she said the company will pay for sucks!!

December 23, 2009

can i make photography as my hobby?

last nite, I enjoy my shopping with my family in the spring...actually, juz wan to look for a new laptop for my i've been walking around the spring, i've entered the Sony Centre near to the shop which my aunt n my family entered to search for the laptop...i've been attracted to somethng which i really dreams to have one n0w..when i looked at the New Arrival's label on the Sony Alpha550, i start to ask the seller regarding the camera...the price oso affordable..but, i still not really pro in choosing this type of things, coz never learn bout it and juz kn0w how to handle it...hahax...anyway, i juz take a pamplet from the seller and read about it...

so this is the picture of Sony Alpha550 and some review bout it..
The A550 represents a new category of camera for Sony and the specification makes it look like the company is aiming fairly squarely for Canon's 500D and Nikon's D5000, pitching a little above both in terms of most specifications.

•14.2 mp CMOS Exmor sensor
•Manual Focus Check Live View using the main imaging sensor
•5fps in optical viewfinder mode (7fps with focus and exposure locked)
•New user interface
•HDR mode that combines multiple exposures
•5-level manually selectable Dynamic Range Optimization
•Screen articulates up or down by 90 degrees
•Increased battery life (1,000 shots when using the viewfinder)

actually still looking for Nikon, since most of my friends suggested tis brand to me..anyway, sony is not bad...

apa reti SETIA??

t0pik yang amat sinonim dlm perhubungan percintaan antara 2 insan...namun sblm lidah lbih petah berbicara, izinkan memberikan sedikit definisi mengenai cinta...cinta? kalau dah x tau menghargai cinta, lebih baik x yah, for this topic i wanna share 1 short story with u guys...

zaini(bukan nama sbnr)seorang lelaki yang sedang betul-betul kecewa sekarang ini kerana cinta, bayangkan, dirinya sanggup buat apa saja untuk memiliki hati seorang wanita, hinggakan sanggup lupakan kepentingan diri dan buang semua ego dirinya untuk cuba menyelamatkan hubungannya dan gadis tersebut, tapi at last ini balasan yang dia dapat…gadis itu meninggalkannya untuk lelaki lain yang lebih berharta(contohnya)…tapi tak mengapa, mungkin ini adalah ujian atau rahmat daripada tuhan bagi dirinya…

Kasih sayang dan percaya satu sama lain adalah satu perkara yang wajib ada dalam bercinta…percayalah kalau tak ada 2 perkara ni, janganlah bercinta…sebab akan mengundang kekecewaan akhirnya…dan yang paling penting ialah “SETIA” pada yang satu, jangan terlintas sedikit pun perasaan untuk tinggalkan seseorang itu atas sebab2 yang remeh temeh…dalam hubungan yang kurang mesra, saya yakin kesabaran itu adalah penting untuk menjadikan hubungan yang lebih mesra...

SO, for those yang sedang hangat bercinta…
Nasihat saya, setialah pada yang satu…kerana kecewa dalam bercinta tu adalah satu perkara yang benar-benar menyeksakan…janganlah bercinta andainya kita tak tahu makna setia terlebih dahulu, fikirkanlah perasaan orang yang ditinggalkan selepas kita bagi dia sepenuh harapan...

cerita ini hanya sekadar renungan buat teman2 yang tercinta, tiada kena-mengena dengan yang msih hdup atupn tlh meninggal dunia...peace n0 war...sorry, i do not own everythngs~

December 21, 2009

journey to kuching

ngeh3~ nothing special to write now, im in kuching and currently looking for my friends here, which very long time never meet since i'm transfered from kuching to sri, i misz them so much...i really hope can meet them back, since it very long time havent meet...i really misz my momments enjoy jamming with my friends here but unluckily, most of them are going back to their villages to celebrate the coming x'mas...anyway, merry christmas to all my friends those celebrating this celebration...pen off!

merry christmas my friends~

December 18, 2009

road laws exercise b0ok...

going through this books whole day...oredi answer 157 questions out of 500, which means still a lot have 2 do...tis made my head dizzy...feel lazy to read, but whatever the reasons i have to do so to pass in table test...ngeh3...h0pe 2 get 49 out of 50 questions later...tomorrow going to go for the driving, need 2 wake up early in the morning...:-(

December 17, 2009

i'm a newbie

hye everyone...welcome to my blog....i really dont know what to say here, coz never thought of doing this...hopefully can get some fun here besides, can find a new friend, maybe...haha...thx to zaini for the inspiration on doing this blog....haha....