January 19, 2010

unemployment benefits

When you're looking for work, it's easy to forget that having a job isn't always all its cracked up to be. On Recessionwire, a formerly unemployed writer recently posted a list of all the things she misses about her breach from the workforce.

The list is meant to be sort of tongue and cheek, with some benefits more important than others:

1. Eating Healthy

Busy working people don't always make the time to go grocery shopping and cook their own meals, but this is easier to do when unemployed. Besides, the author said she benefited from fewer stress-induced cravings and trips to the office vending machine.

For me, I feel like being unemployed could have a positive or negative effect on your diet, depending on your personality and circumstances. Some unemployed people are probably more stressed than they were employed, thus craving unhealthy foods. Besides, fast food can be very affordable, which is appealing when your income is cut to zero..

2. Exercising

Having the chance to go to the gym is often another luxury of the unemployed. Besides, trying to save money on gas or even Subway passes encourages walking and biking wherever you go..

3. Naps

Who can argue with that? Everyone loves this..

4. Meeting up with old friends

Trying to pencil everyone in around a 40-hour work week can be very trying, but your calendar really opens up without a job to weigh you down. Easy for you to go hang out anytime you liked..

5. Browsing NSFW content online

It's always awkward when, whatever you're reading, you come across something NSFW (not safe for work) that you really hope nobody behind you saw. I would even add that it's nice not to feel nervous checking your email or Messenger chat every once in a while..

6. Exploring your options

When you're looking for a job, you not only have different career options to choose from, but different life options as well. You can go back to school, paint a masterpiece, brainstorm business ventures, and more..

Have you noticed any benefits to unemployment? so, what do you think of this list?


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